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What evidence do you need for a workers’ compensation claim?

On Behalf of | Sep 22, 2023 | Workers' Compensation Blog Post |

In 2021, workplaces all over the nation reported 2.6 million instances of workplace illness and injuries, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. When filing a workers’ compensation claim, evidence can help support your case.  Sufficient evidence can also reduce the risk of a denial, which may occur if the insurer finds fault with the documents and records you present.

Medical records and reports

One of the most important pieces of evidence in a workers’ compensation claim is your medical records. These documents should detail your injuries, treatments and any recommendations for future medical care. Providing clear and comprehensive medical records can establish a direct link between your injuries and your job, which will benefit your claim.

Incident reports

In Virginia, you must notify your workplace within 30 days of either the date of the injury or the date that you received a diagnosis. When reporting what happened, be sure to include the date, time, location and description of the incident that led to your injuries. It is best to report the incident in writing, either via letter or email, to establish a record.

Witness statements

If there were any eyewitnesses on the scene, ask if they would submit a written statement regarding what occurred. Their testimony can help validate your version of events and strengthen your claim.

Photographs and videos

Visual evidence, such as photographs and videos, can demonstrate the conditions of your workplace and the circumstances of your injury. If possible, document the accident scene and any hazardous conditions or equipment involved in the incident.

Employment records

Your employment records, including time cards, pay stubs and work schedules, can help establish your employment status and the hours you worked. These documents are necessary to determine the benefits you may receive, such as wage replacement or disability benefits.

Communication records

You will likely communicate with your employer about your injury via emails, letters and text messages. Retain this correspondence to establish a timeline of events and demonstrate your efforts to report the injury using the proper channels.

Workers’ compensation ensures that injured individuals can remain financially stable during their recovery, which is why presenting the right evidence is so important.
